Delta to Wye Conversion Formula

Delta and Wye are two special configurations of electrical circuits. In this post, you’ll learn the formula for Delta to Wye conversion.

We previously studied series, parallel and series-parallel circuits. Besides these three circuits, there are two special configurations:

  1. The Delta or Pi configuration
  2. The Wye or Tee configuration

Delta and Wye circuits contain three resistors. The figure below displays the formulas to convert a delta circuit to Wye:

An example

Find the equivalent wye circuit for given delta:

Rx = (R2.R3) / (R1 + R2 + R3) = (6 * 17) / (3 + 6 + 17) = 3.92 Ω … (1)

Ry = (R1.R3) / (R1 + R2 + R3) = (3 * 17) / (3 + 6 + 17) = 1.96 Ω … (2)

Rz = (R1.R2) / (R1 + R2 + R3) = (3 * 6) / (3 + 6 + 17) = 0.692 Ω … (3)

So that was all about Delta to Wye Conversion formula.

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