Substition Theorem


The substitution theorem states that any branch within a circuit can be substituted by an equivalent branch that has the same current and same voltage through it. Illustration: Consider a series circuit containing two resistors: 10 ohms and 5 ohms connected to a 12 v source. From voltage divider rule, the Resistor R1 has 4 … Read more

Nuclear Power Plant: Schematic Diagram and Working


A nuclear power plant converts electrical energy into nuclear energy. Basic Working In a nuclear power station, Uranium is subjected to the fission process in the reactor. The heat energy produced is utilized for producing steam at high temperature. The steam is then moved to the steam turbine which produces mechanical energy at its output. … Read more

Millman’s Theorem


Millman theorems is a circuit analysis theorem that is used to solve parallel voltage sources in circuit. In Millman’s theorem the multiple voltage containinting resistances in respective branches can be reduced. Consider the circuit shown below: Using Millman’s theorem we can reduce the above circuit to a single voltage source and a series resistor: Where … Read more

3 Phase Delta and Wye Transformer Configuration Voltage Relationships


A three-phase transformer contains three interconnected coils in the primary and secondary side. Three phase transformers are either connected in delta or wye configuration. In this post, you’ll learn the voltage relationships for delta and wye configuration of transformers. For the sake of simplicity here only the secondary terminals are represented. Three Phase Delta Transformer … Read more

Motor Control Center: What is MCC and Why do we need them


In our homes, the small-sized electrical motors are usually directly started by providing voltages. However, in industries, the power is provided to motors from customized load centers that are used to serve small to midsize motors. Technically these load centers are known as Motors control centers. In this post you’ll learn what are motor control … Read more

Electrical Bridge Networks


Bridge circuits are widely employed in Electrical and Electronics Engineering for measurement purposes. In this post, you’ll learn about electric bridge networks. How it looks The figure below displays a 5 resistor bridge network: It can also be redrawn as: Balanced vs unbalanced bridge In above figure if R1/R3 = R2/R4 then bridge is referred … Read more

Maximum Power Transfer Theorem


In electronic circuits, the amplifier and receiver circuits often require the load the receive maximum amount of power. The maximum power transfer theorem sets the condition for which a load will receive maximum power from a circuit. The load resistance will receive maximum power from a circuit when the resistance of circuit equals the Thevenin … Read more