Amps to kVA Conversion Formula

Amps to kVA conversion formulas are used to calculate kVA from the known amperes. Given below is the list of formulas for different conversion:

  1. Single phase AC: (E * I) / 1000
  2. Two phase AC: (2* E * I) / 1000
  3. Three phase AC: (1.73 * E * I) / 1000

where E = volts; I = Amps

Let’s solve some examples:

Single Phase AC

Example: A single phase 220 volt generator delivers 20 Amps at full load setting. Find the kVA rating of generator.

Solution: kVA = (220 * 20)/1000 = 4.4 kVA

Two phase Four wire system

Example: A 400 V two-phase four-wire circuit has 15 Amps flowing through it. Fine the kVA.

Solution: kVA (400 * 15 * 2 )/1000 = 12 kVA

Three phase AC

Example: A three phase 400 volt generator delivers 10 Amps at full load. Determine the kVA rating of generator.

Solution: kVA = (400 * 10 * 1.73) / 1000 = 6.92 kVA

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