kVA to Amps Conversion Formula

kVA to Amps conversion formulas are used to calculate current from known kVA rating of AC electrical power equipment. Given below is the list of formulas:

  • Single Phase kVA to Amps: I = (kVA * 1000) / E
  • Two-phase Four wire AC kVA to Amps: I = (kVA * 1000) / (E*2)
  • Three phase kVA to Amps: I = (kVA * 1000) / (E*1.73)

Single Phase kVA to Amps Examples

Example: Find the current drawn by a 230 V, 10 kVA single phase load.

Solution: I = (10 * 1000)/230

= 10000/230 Amps

= 43.4 Amps

Two phase Four Wire AC System

Example: Find the current drawn by two phase, four wire 220 V, 5 kVA load.

Solution: I = (5 * 1000) / (220 * 2)

= 5000/440

= 11.36 Amps

Three phase AC System

Example: Find the current supplied by a 400 V, 20 kVA three-phase generator operating at full load.

Solution: I = (20*1000) / (400 * 1.73)

= 28.9 Amps

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